What is a Headstone Saddle?
Where it gets a bit confusing is some people use the term saddle to describe the metal bracket that holds the flower arrangement to the top of the stone. The metal brackets are shaped like a saddle and sits on top of the stone like a regular saddle would sit on the back of a horse.
However, other people use the term saddle to describe the flower arrangement, itself. When they say they’re looking for a headstone saddle, they don’t just want the metal bracket; they want to have a flower arrangement already built on top of it.
To save confusion between the two, we typically refer to the metal frame as the saddle, and the whole arrangement as a headstone saddle arrangement.
The other bit of confusion is that the product we describe as a headstone saddle arrangement is also known by other terms. Some people refer to them as headstone sprays, and some will use the term headstone topper.
Taking it a bit further, there are many different terms for headstones, such as tombstones, grave markers, monuments, memorials, keystones, and gravestones.
If you combine the various terms, you come up with dozens of permutations, such as tombstone topper, monument saddle, and memorial spray.
Regardless of the term you use for these cemetery flower arrangements, you should understand that the saddle has a limited ability to keep the arrangement secured to the top of the stone. High winds will blow your arrangement off.
Our Flower Anchor will hold your saddle securely to the stone even in very high winds. At only $11.99 each, the anchor is cheap insurance to protect your headstone saddle arrangement. To learn more about this anchor, or buy one today, click here.
IMHO, headstone saddles are the most beautiful of all the cemetery flower arrangements!
Our family has always just called them “toppers”.
Most saddle arrangements are made using a mild steel bottom frame, which will rust over time. However, our flower anchor is made completely of materials that won’t rust. It takes some time for the saddle frame to rust, so if you change out the arrangements on a fairly regular basis, you shouldn’t have any problems. If you choose to leave them on a long time, we would recommend coating the metallic frame with a flexible rubber product, such as liquid electrical tape, which you can find here.
Will a saddle leave rust stains on the tombstone?
I love saddles! They really for a beautiful flower display.
B.H.P. – You can find our suggestions here: https://floweranchor.com/best-cemetery-flowers/
Where is the best place to buy a saddle arrangement?
Saddles are expensive. I’m glad I found your anchor!
I’ve always referred to them a headstone sprays, rather than saddles.